Support services at the KVA Vogelsbergkreis – Municipal jobcenter
The KVA Vogelsbergkreis would like to support you individually and therefore cooperates with various authorities/bearers who provide the following services.
If you are interested in an individual offer, please consult your contact person at the KVA Vogelsbergkreis.
"DVO – Direktvermittlung for Ort" (direct placement on-site)
Location: Lauterbach
Provider: Employer service KVA Vogelsbergkreis – Municipal job center
Duration: 8 weeks, possible extension by 8 weeks if necessary
Requirements for participation: Current application documents
- Individual single appointments
- Job acquisition from the fund of the employer service
- Support and introduction to potential employers
- Placement of practical trials
"Lia – Leistungsfähigkeit individuell aufzeigen" (highlight performance individually)
Location: Lauterbach or Alsfeld
Provider: Bildungswerk der Hessischen Wirtschaft e.V.
Duration: 6 weeks
First two weeks (daily, in the morning):
Performance analysis
- Occupational medical examination
- Psychological examination
- Test procedure to determine suitability
Then 3 individual appointments:
- Discussion of test results
- If necessary: Development of career alternatives
For further information please see the flyer.
"ABC – Aufsuchen, Beraten Coachen" (outreach, consult, coach)
Location: Individual, at your site
Provider: Hephata – Hessisches Diakoniezentrum e.V.
Duration: Up to 6 months, extension by 4 months if necessary
- Individual coaching at your site
- Support in keeping appointments, e.g. with authorities, doctors, debt counseling, etc.
- Accompaniment to appointments, e.g. with authorities, doctors, etc.
- Support in clarifying health restrictions
Social Coach "Vogelsberger Lebensräume"
Location: At your site or at the counseling centers in Lauterbach, Alsfeld, Grebenhain, Schlitz, Mücke/Nieder-Ohmen, Schotten
Provider: Vogelsberger Lebensräume
Duration: Individual, according to demand
- Individual life counseling
- Psychosocial counseling and support
- Help for self-help
- Support in keeping appointments, e.g. with authorities, doctors, Deutsche Rentenversicherung (German pension insurance), debt counseling, etc.
- Support in clarifying health restrictions
- Referral to further support services
Social Coach "Beratungszentrum"
Location: At your site or at the counseling centers throughout the entire Vogelsbergkreis
Provider: Beratungszentrum Vogelsbergkreis
Duration: Individual, according to demand
- Individual life counseling
- Psychosocial counseling and support
- Help for self-help
- Support in keeping appointments, e.g. with authorities, doctors, Deutsche Rentenversicherung (German pension insurance), debt counseling, etc.
- Support in clarifying health restrictions
- Support with the application for a therapy
- Referral to further support services
"AIDA – Aktivieren-Integrieren-Durchstarten-Ausbilden" (activate-integrate-start-training)
Location: Alsfeld
Provider: Bildungswerk der Hessischen Wirtschaft e.V.
Duration: Individually up to 12 months with the possibility of extension by another 12 months
- Experiential education
- Company internships
- Project work (in wood processing, metal processing, paint and housekeeping)
- Job application training
- Addiction and debt prevention
- Basics of healthy living
- Expansion of (job-related) language skills
- Supplementary lessons for the acquisition of a secondary school diploma
For further information please see the flyer.
"BvB – Berufsvorbereitende Bildungsmaßnahmen" (vocational preparation)
Location: Alsfeld and Lauterbach
Provider: Bildungswerk der Hessischen Wirtschaft e.V.
Duration: Individually up tp 10 months
- Suitability analysis at the beginning of the measure
- Vocational orientation/choice of profession
- Application training
- Telephone training
- Language promotion
- Company internships
- General education and subsequent acquisition of a secondary school diploma
- Workshops for strengthening IT and media skills
- Specialized theoretical training
- Acquisition of qualification modules from reconized apprenticeships
- Excursions
"DivA – Digital und individuell vermittelt in Ausbildung" (digitally and individually mediated into an apprenticeship)
Location: Lauterbach
Provider: Bildungswerk der Hessischen Wirtschaft e.V.
Duration: 4 to 6 months
- Vocational orientation
- Identification and mediation of digital skills
- Vocational guidance
- Getting to know companies
- Creative projects
- Promotion of the german language (job-related language)
- Practical trials
- Job application training
- Provision of mobile devices
- Parents' café
For further information please see the flyer.
Qualification & Employment of young people
Location: Schotten
Provider: Schottener Soziale Dienste gGmbH
Duration: Individually up to 12 months with the possibility of extension
- Personality development and promotion of social skills
- Promotion of practical life skills
- Strengthening of self-esteem
- Competence assessment
- Vocational orientation in the following professions: Painting and varnishing, building trades, locksmithery, carpentry, gardening and landscaping, housekeeping, kitchen, service and hospitality
- Practical trials
- Language promotion classes / job-related language promotion classes (if required)
For further information please see the flyer.
"Wirtschaft integriert" (economy integrated)
Location: Alsfeld and Lauterbach
Provider: Bildungswerk der Hessischen Wirtschaft e. V.
Duration: individual
Promotion module "Vocational orientation BOplus" (4-6 months)
- Competence assessment
- Get to know the training system and different apprenticeships
- Try out at least three professions
- Make a career decision
- Receive help in finding an internship or apprenticeship
Promotion module "Introductory training EQplus" (6-12 months)
- Long-term internship (3,5 days per week)
- Support lessons (1,5 days per week)
- Preparation for the apprenticeship
Promotion module "Apprenticeship assistance ABplus" (2-3,5 years, depending on the apprenticeship)
- In-company training
- Attendance in a vocational school
- Additional support lessons (4-8 hours per week)
Accompanying offer (overarching)
- Job-related language promotion
- Integration assistence
- Social pedagogical guidance
A "Bildungsgutschein" finances further training and retraining in accordance with § 16 I SGB II and § 81 SGB III.
It can be issued if the further education is necessary so that unemployment can be ended, threatened unemployment can be avoided or a vocational qualification can be made up for.
The educational institution of choice must be authorized to provide further education via "Bildungsgutschein".
Interested? Please contact us!
In accordance with § 45 SGB III the "Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein (AVGS)" promotes the personal skills and abilities of unemployed and job-seeking people in order to improve their chances on the primary labor market. This offer supports „measures for activation and professional integration“.
There is no legal claim to an AVGS.
If you would like to participate in a suitable and helpful offer, please consult your contact person at the KVA Vogelsbergkreis.
"Psychosoziale Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle der Vogelsberger Lebensräume"
The psychosocial contact and counseling center is an independent service integrated into the two psychiatric centers of the "Vogelsberger Lebensräume" in Lauterbach and Alsfeld (as well as at the locations Schlitz, Grebenhain, Schotten, Mücke and Homberg/Ohm).
The aim of the counseling is to support mentally ill people and people in life crises in maintaining or rediscovering the scope of action which enables them to lead a self-determined life – if necessary with the support of relatives, friends and neighbors.
This offer encourages self-reflection on the professional life in relation to the personal life goals.
Hereby, individual competencies, interests and goals are brought into accordance with the requirements of the work context in a way that all resources and abilities are optimally applied.
In this way, the ability to act in difficult situations is regained.
"Beratungszentrum Vogelsberg"
The "Beratungszentrum Vogelsbergkreis" – formerly the "Jugend- und Drogenberatung Suchthilfe im Vogelsbergkreis" – is a point of contact for many topics related to family, partnership and addiction problems.
It offers the following services:
- Addiction counseling
- Educational guidance
- Regardless of the age
- Prevention offers
Debt counseling
The Vogelsbergkreis dept counseling service aims to find solutions on how to secure the livelihood of its clients in the short term and how to reduce their debts in the long term.
The following services are offered:
- Counseling for individuals who can no longer meet their payment obligations
- Online counseling
- Help in dealing with creditors
- Advice on issues of compulsory enforcement, including the garnishment table
- Advice on "consumer bankruptcy" in accordance with the Insolvency Code (recognized advice center in accordance with § 305 InsO)
For further information please visit the website.
Prevention programs
As part of the project "Verzahnung von Arbeits- und Gesundheitsförderung in der kommunalen Lebenswelt" the "GKV-Bündnis für Gesundheit" organizes prevention programs for customers of the job center in cooperation with the KVA Vogelsbergkreis.
Informations about the current program in schotten can be found in the flyer below
Informations about the online current program an be found here.

Sports project "laufendes Leben“ (running life)
The "Tiger and Dragon" (self-defense combined with health and fitness programs) and the "Alsfelder Sport Club 95" (athletics and mass sports) invite you to take part in various sports activities twice a week.
These offers may be accompanied by individual counseling on everyday questions and general topics related to the job market.
For further information please contact "K.U.L.T." in Alsfeld or the KVA Vogelsbergkreis.
Sponsored by:

"Projekt A³ Auszeit-Aktiv-Arbeit" (free time-active-work)
A project initiated to improve the health and professional inclusion of people with cardiovascular and orthopedic diseases outside the structures of the 2nd social security statute book (SGB II).
Bei Fragen oder Interesse an diesem Modellprojekt wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an das Team des Projekts A³ Auszeit-Aktiv-Arbeit
You can find more information here.